Welcome to Ars Magna.com. Ars Magna is a single person consulting company owned and operated by Dudley Irish. This company was set up to allow me to do high quality, standards based software development as an independent consultant. I have been involved in many, diverse projects and have developed particular expertise in database design and implementation, distributed computing, and software development methods and practice. I am also enrolled in the Masters program in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Utah.
My current direction is to find a project which will exploit these areas and provide an opportunity for me to gain new skill sets. The combination of experience with small devices and large databases makes a project int the Internet-of-things area a possibility. Given my recent patent in encryption/cloud storage, a big data or related project would also be interesting.
The specific technology and/or tools involved are not critical, I am looking to learn.
Please direct all inquires to Dudley Irish or call me at 801-916-9676.
For more information, please review one the the following versions of my resume:

Keyword oriented resume

Project oriented resume

Detailed (long) resume